


constructor(conf: ShifterConfig)


Protected createURL
createURL(path: string)

Create a Request URL

Parameters :
  • path
Returns: void
Protected getAPIURL
getAPIURL(path: string)

Get API Request URL

Parameters :
  • path
Returns: string
Protected createRequestConfig
createRequestConfig(config: AxiosRequestConfig)

Create axios request config object

Parameters :
  • config
Returns: AxiosRequestConfig
Protected get
get(path: string, config: AxiosRequestConfig)

Call GET API with token

Parameters :
  • path
  • config
Returns: any
Protected post
post(path: string, body: Request, config: AxiosRequestConfig)

Call POST API with token

Parameters :
  • path
  • body
  • config
Returns: any
Protected put
put(path: string, body: Request, config: AxiosRequestConfig)

Call put API with token

Parameters :
  • path
  • body
  • config
Returns: any
Protected delete
delete(path: string, config: AxiosRequestConfig)

Call DELETE API with token

Parameters :
  • path
  • config
Returns: any


Protected client
client: AxiosInstance
Default value: axios

Request Client

Protected endpoint
endpoint: string

Shifter API Endpoint

Protected resource
resource: string

API namespace

Protected token
token: string

Shifter API token

import axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

export const DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = '';

 * Shifter client config
export type ShifterConfig = {
   * API Token
  token: string;

   * API endpoint
  endpoint?: string;

   * Target resource
  resource?: string;

export abstract class ShifterClient {
   * Request Client
  protected readonly client: AxiosInstance = axios;

   * Shifter API token
  protected readonly token: string;

   * Shifter API Endpoint
  protected readonly endpoint: string = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;

   * API namespace
  protected readonly resource: string = '';

  constructor(conf: ShifterConfig) {
    this.token = conf.token;
    if (conf.endpoint) this.endpoint = conf.endpoint;
    if (conf.resource) this.resource = conf.resource;

   * Create a Request URL
   * @param path
  protected createURL(path?: string) {
    const apiPath = [this.resource, path]
      .filter(item => !!item)
      .replace(/\/\//, '/')
      .replace(/\/$/, '')
      .replace(/^\//, '');
    return [this.endpoint, apiPath].join('/');

   * Get API Request URL
   * @param path
  protected getAPIURL(path?: string): string {
    return this.createURL(path);

   * Create axios request config object
   * @param config
  protected createRequestConfig(
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig
  ): AxiosRequestConfig {
    const headers = config && config.headers ? config.headers : {};
    headers.Authorization = this.token;
    return Object.assign({}, config, { headers });

   * Call GET API with token
   * @param path
   * @param config
  protected async get<T = any>(
    path?: string,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig
  ): Promise<T> {
    const url = this.getAPIURL(path);
    const conf = this.createRequestConfig(config);
    const result = await this.client.get(url, conf);

   * Call POST API with token
   * @param path
   * @param body
   * @param config
  protected async post<Request = any, Response = any>(
    path?: string,
    body?: Request,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig
  ): Promise<Response> {
    const url = this.getAPIURL(path);
    const conf = this.createRequestConfig(config);
    const result = await<Response>(url, body, conf);

   * Call put API with token
   * @param path
   * @param body
   * @param config
  protected async put<Request = any, Response = any>(
    path?: string,
    body?: Request,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig
  ): Promise<Response> {
    const url = this.getAPIURL(path);
    const conf = this.createRequestConfig(config);
    const result = await this.client.put<Response>(url, body, conf);

   * Call DELETE API with token
   * @param path
   * @param config
  protected async delete<Response = any>(
    path?: string,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig
  ): Promise<Response> {
    const url = this.getAPIURL(path);
    const conf = this.createRequestConfig(config);
    const result = await this.client.delete<Response>(url, conf);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""